Spread Betting on: Cricket

Published On September 1, 2013 | By dominic | How Spread Betting Works

What is Cricket Spread Betting?

Cricket spread betting is betting against a spread as opposed to fixed odds on the outcome of events in a cricket match. Markets include Runs, Team Runs, Supremacy and Win Index.

Cricket Spread Betting Markets


The predicted number of runs scored by a player.

Eg: England v Australia – Kevin Pietersen runs

Spread: 45-50 runs

· Market Result: Pietersen scores 75
· Profit = 25 x stake if bought runs / Loss = 30 x stake if sold


The predicted number of runs scored by a particular team in total

Eg: England v Ireland

Spread: England: 178-183

· Market Result [innings total]: England [193-9] = 193
· Profit = 10 x stake if bought England runs / Loss = 15 x stake if sold


Points are awarded to the match winner and their total margin of victory over another side. Winning teams batting first score 1 point for each run they win by; Winning teams batting second score 10 points per wicket won by; ties are settled at 0.The prediction is offered on the favourite’s supremacy and is listed first in the supremacy spread which can also have a negative result making greater wins or losses.

Eg: South Africa v Australia

Spread: South Africa / Australia 4-12

· Market Result: South Africa 141-4 – Australia 110 = 31
· Profit = 19 x stake if bought supremacy / Loss = 27 x stake if sold

Eg of negative supremacy: South Africa v Australia

Spread: South Africa / Australia 4-12

· Market Result: South Africa 199-8 – Australia 201-3 = -50
· Profit= 54 x stake if sold supremacy / Loss = 62 x stake if bought


25 Points are awarded to the match winner and 10 points are awarded for a draw.

Eg: West Indies v New Zealand

Spread: West Indies Win Index 17-19

· Market Result: West Indies win by 3 wickets
· Profit = 6 x stake if bought Index / Loss = 8 x stake if sold

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